Carrboro, NC
I stir at sunrise and sit in the front lounge as the bus pulls into the leafy campus of Carrboro-Chapel Hill. The sun is a pale gold orb above the horizon. Suddenly there is foliage. We pass through neighbourhoods of those charming southern houses – all whitewashed wood, pillars and porches. Miniature grandeur among the trees. After more sleep I go off in search of the Target I spotted on the way in. I’m a man in search of underwear. Many old and ugly things have gone down the garbage chute on this tour. I need replenishment of the smalls. En route I drop into the Ackland Art Museum, a building devoted to exhibiting the cream of the wide-ranging collection of English actor, Josh Ackland, star of White Mischief. It’s very mixed-up, the ancient world rubbing up against the medieval but there’s a gorgeous little Degas sculpture in the “modern” room and an amusing white papier-mâché man whose knob hangs at a jaunty angle. There are Spanish language students being led around by their tutors and asked to describe the art works. One guy’s Spanish accent is so bad I nearly burst out laughing. But he’s brimming with confidence and his grammar is not bad, to my ear. On the way out I drop two dollars in the slot of a Perspex box to become, in one easy act, a patron of the arts. Perhaps Josh’s family will have a wing named after me. Maybe I should have left more than two dollars.
Wikipedia tells that the town is named after “industrialist” Julian Shakespeare Carr who, it turns out (among other things), was a white supremacist. This guy was seriously hands-on when it came to despising black people. A name change was lobbied for but nothing doing, apparently. I’d vote for Joshboro. Old Josh never did anyone any harm, did he? And his performance in Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey deserves to have a town named after it.
After the usual repetitive drudgery of the soundcheck I make for the Army Surplus store across the way. Iain has already met proprietor, Keith who has been here for 34 years and is a proud 7th generation Scot whose ancestors hail from Aberdeenshire. With his wavy grey beard and ruddy cheeks I can just picture him on a sheep farm or a trawler. Or as an oil executive. He shows me a photo of himself in full kilt and caboodle. His sporran is so long it looks like he’s sitting astride a mountain goat. Perhaps this was the impression intended. His shop is a densely packed cavern of manly delights. I buy a green combat-y thing. You never know, I might have to fight in the hills when I go back. They’ll never see me in this. They’ll think I’m a tussock. Many already do.
Better with age Justin one of my favorites I listen to all the time . The only dissapoitment I had was that you gave Chris dollimore a half hour show that was not good . I would of rather listened to you and iain sing . This is who I came to see . Can’t you replace Chris with someone else I don’t feel he gives his all to the group like the rest of you guys . But you’d were great . Please come back again . You should interact with your fans a little .
Pass on our thanks to yer drummer Jim. He got stuff signed for our friends and put up with our drunken inane questions – and he took a lot of shit from the roadies – that was a fucking blast – he’s a class act, and a great drummer, seemed like he’s been with you forever. You took Jimmy Blue to a new level – listened to the song again today and it was completely different – can’t explain why, just touched me even more
Jackie and I came from Statesville, NC for the show.. Statesville is known for the 150+ year old hanging of Tom Dula (made famous musically by the Kingston Trio’s Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley). Apparently the story of the illicit love affair and murder was devoured by a hungry public….? Safe travels..
I had the pleasure of a brief chat and autograph from you after your visit to the Army surplus store. (I said “Second Staircase” is my favorite song on the new record.) Thank you for your time, autograph, and the amzing performance. Thanks again for coming to America. Safe travels.
Jeff Koger
Thank you for a great concert last night-it was great seeing you all in person again. I especially loved Tell Her This and my favorite, Move Away Jimmy Blue. Well, I absolutely loved it all. I love going to a live show and knowing every word to every song. You guys are the best!!
I had a hard time trying to not think about your tattered underwear for a few sentences, thanks Justin… :D My ex’s would almost be covered with holes like cheese, before he thought them trash worthy. So, then I had started to wonder, what level tattered is your threshold, and that you could probably sell those for big money with all the crazy, I mean enamored fans you have. Me included, enamored, not crazy, though buying someones underwear I think beyond my level of adoration, pretty sure. I don’t think the words underwear and cheese should be used in the same sentence yet paragraph, btw.
I think my ex used too much bleach – maybe, as his tshirts became more air than shirt, and even then I had a hard time convincing him they needed to go. Comparable wispiness to the cheap womens clothing they make now, they shouldn’t be allowed to call them clothes. I don’t buy that garbage, made to be worn 3 x and then tossed, done on purpose I think, so people have to buy more and then move on to the next supposed trend. I see it as an environmental catastrophe, a reflection on what many have become. Ugly useless piles, not sturdy or durable. Environmentally good we wear them as long as possible, again your underwear, and clothes. Although it was his call on when the shorts would go, I think I should have been more proactive. Maybe that’s why the relationship dissolved too.
Anyhow, oh and knob, brings something different to mind here – I think. Or, could just be me? I know I and everyone keeps saying that we love your writing, not just the odd bits, all of it. Please continue, it’s kind of like a drug.
I had a good friend who wrote incredibly too, we all hung onto his words like the life preservers I am pretty sure they were. Especially during covid, we all couldn’t wait to read the next post. He unfortunately passed suddenly last year and left a big void in so many friends and followers. I miss his observations, beautifully put together very much like you do, like your views were wider, or ability to absorb deeper, or just able to find the words easier, or all of the above. I think the flow of foreigners and verbiage choices is more savory and descriptive, although John was a New Yorker, he had a similar feel and he saw the grit and the beauty in what many did not. Anyhow, I have rambled on, and my point? Just thank you again, and please come back soon.
Driving the 7 hours to Atlanta to see all y’all as you are not coming to Florida and I just couldn’t miss the chance! So excited in my tartan pants and am enjoying cursing at all the crazy truck drivers on the road. We are old farts now but ready to feel like a teenager again tonight ..just might not be able to get in my husband’s shoulders!
Appreciate all the travelling you have been doing must be rough ..hope you get time to recharge and wear your new kecks !
A wonderful show last night, and my deepest thanks for bringing to NC. For too many bands, we’re just a place that bus passes through on the way from DC to Atlanta.
My friend (who lives in Texas, mind you) texted me from the front row, “Are you at the Del Amitri show in Chapel Hill right now?” No, no I was not. I was in Raleigh, in my pajamas about to watch Netflix Vikings Valhalla with my husband and my kids were wasting away on their computers. BUT within 15 minutes, I was dressed in a white sweatshirt (who wears white to a show?? People who are getting dressed in 3 minutes, that’s who) and dirty jeans and I was on my way to Carrboro. I walked in during When You Were Young and danced for 2 hours. My first Del Amitri show and suddenly I am 20 years old again. You guys sounded fantastic and I am beyond grateful that I finally saw you live – bucket list shit right there. I only wish you’d played about another 2 hours and that my mom could have seen the show – she’d have shit a brick! Epic, thank you for coming to the US!!
Thank you for enduring America for a few weeks and bringing some joy to us. Loved last night’s show!
I had no idea Joss Ackland had his own museum in Carrboro, but I’m glad you got to enjoy it. My wife contends that some Southern boy with a terrible accent is ALWAYS the most prominent speaker in the room. We both loved the show last night, especially Jimmy Blue and It Might As Well Be You, and I’m So Scared of Dying. Thanks for fighting your dodgy ear monitors for us; it was the first time we got to see you live after a complete adulthood of being fans! Cheers
Did you know its been 30 years since Del Amitri played the Variety Playhouse? October 5, 1992. I know. I bought the tshirt! See y’all tonight. Atlanta misses you!

Welcome South! My friends and I are looking forward to seeing you in Atlanta tomorrow night. You’ll be playing across the street from the little tavern where the Indigo Girls got their start (three gentrifications ago.)